Code Of Conduct

  1. Maintain an attitude of respect and courtesy, in language and action when interacting with other camp participants, their family members, Whispering Hope Ranch and Camp With A Ramp staff and volunteers.
  2. Respect the privacy and belief systems of everyone at the camp and do not impose your belief system on others.  
  3. Do not use profanity, tell inappropriate jokes, make inappropriate remarks, share intimate details of your personal life, or make sexual references in the presence of other participants, their family members, Whispering Hope Ranch and Camp With A Ramp staff and volunteers.
  4. Respect the property, equipment and functional needs of all camp participants.  Make certain to leave paths of travel clear, keep your bunk area clean, and wipe up after you use the shower/sink. Be on alert for safety hazards and inform staff if needed.
  5. No stealing or borrowing other people's possessions without their consent.
  6. Maintain your schedule regarding chosen activity participation as your presence may be needed to fully complete that activity.  Please don’t sign up for activities that you know you will most likely not attend.
  7. Maintain your schedule regarding your personal care assistance needs. Please keep in mind that changing your schedule may affect others' personal care needs and/or participation in camp activities.
  8. If absolutely necessary, any change to your personal care assistance needs schedule, must be discussed with and agreed upon by your assigned personal care assistant, volunteer and care coordinators and any other participants who that change will affect.
  9. Use of recreational and medical marijuana, alcohol, or illegal drugs is prohibited.

Reasons for Termination of Camp Experience:

  1. Presence of open wounds/pressure sores whether old or new.
  2. Failure to abide by the Whispering Hope Ranch or the Camp With A Ramp participant/family member code of conduct.
  3. Emergency incident.
  4. Use of recreation and medical marijuana, alcohol, or illegal drugs. WHRF has a zero-tolerance policy. Anyone using will be sent home immediately at their own expense.